Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Key Theorists - Powerpoint and Mrs McD-H handed out colour booklets

Since media began people have commented and theorised on what influence it has, what messages it sends and how people interact with it.

below is a link to a slide share of the key theorists we will cover:


Work your way through the slides and make me a 'theorist dummies guide' on the following theories and theorists:

  • Laura Mulvay- the male gaze
  • Bell Hooks - colour codes
  • Stuart Hall- the native
                    the slave
                    the clown
  • Audience reception theory- prefered reading
  • The hypodermic needle theory
  • Moral panic
  • Narrative Theories:
                             Levi Straus
  • Barthes Enigma code
this guide can take what ever form you like, can include examples to help me understand and needs to be posted on your blog by the end of the week. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Easter Homework

• Today we went over the Unit 2 exam paper you are to complete during the Easter holidays.
I handed out all paper copies for you - mark-scheme, exam paper & insert.
Please complete this paper twice. Date each one and add time taken.
At present do not worry if you go over the time allocated. Just write down how long it took to complete.

• Unit 1 exam paper see attached link. 
Marks-scheme, insert and exam paper to be completed twice during Easter break.
Read questions carefully.
Date each attempt and add time taken, date etc.
• You must revise all UNIT 1 & UNIT 2 booklets we have been working on since October.
• ALL papers on are the top of blog front page

Have a great Easter break.
Take care
Mrs McD-H & Mr D