Thursday, October 24, 2019

October Half Term Homework -

Complete all unit 21, radio show presentations, include research, notes and questionnaires.
You must include a two minute segment of the new radio show during the presentation to give the client a feel for the  new show. You must have a script, scheduling information and reasoning behind your ideas.
You will formally present your findings as part of assessment week on Monday 4th Nov in S9.
The presentation will be in front of the group and two staff members.
It will include Q&A at the end and time to allocate your questionnaires to all attendees.
You must collate your questionnaire data and hand in all work adding to your presentation on Thursday 7th November.
You must show charts, research, data that is relevant to your idea, include comparison radio shows.

Practice your presentation in a mirror to gain confidence, remember to smile and explain your ideas carefully.

All work and the unit sheets are in your yellow exercise booklets and on the blog links below.
Good luck.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Unit 21 Example Candidate Video presentation with Q&A - Thursday to do list

Written feedback and grades in handout format.

TO DO for Thursday lesson:

1. Printed Script 

look at examples above and case scenario from last week).

2. Formal Outline plan of the show - 
shooting script equivalent
(whatever length of time it is on - include/ add time for ad breaks).

3. Formal proposal based