Friday, March 27, 2020

UNIT 20 LO1.10 Regulatory bodies - complete all work and post

Goto pages 245-246 and work through taking notes.
Answer the three questions on activity relating to one ASA complaint. (20mins)
You will need to realise this information is very important in the context of your advertising campaign products.
Do compete the 4 questions in the KNOW IT section.
Do complete the Assessment activity to cover the pass/ merit criteria. Follow the instructions carefully and complete the work in full. Choose products which you are interested in and have a strong following, ie redbull, games consoles, phones, insurance etc. 
Think about poster campaigns as many of you are taking his route.
Post all evidence, notes and final presentations onto blogger. Unit 20 LO1.
I know some of you have gone past this stage and please continue on in depth adding all evidence to your blog with correct titles.

Email me to tell me it is on your blog.
Complete by Thurs April 2nd

1.9 Legal & Ethical Issues - Standards ASA Advertising Standards Authority. pages 244-245

For 1.9 you will be looking at legal and ethical issues within advertising in all media formats. 

You must focus on this area especially when considering your own advertising campaign.

Make  notes on 1.9 and carefully look at the responsibilities of advertising  - bullet point areas.

Please watch these videos too, to embed the information and help with understanding on ASA and consumer protection.

Look at weblink on the law of marketing-advertising. 

Complete the case scenario on and the research activity on advertising law.

Post copies of all evidence via photos of exercise book work on blog or blog posts with research and answers.

  • UK adverts regulations - Clearcast/ ASA (Very important process)

  • CAP - getting your ads right before making them

  • Responsible advertising

  • Consumer Rights

  • Top 10 most complained about ads in 2016

1.8 Rationale & Expected Outcomes p244

Look at the five types of sector in this area - take notes and highlight how the importance of a campaign in measured. All in exercise book.

Give two examples of each area. We discussed this in lesson very easy.

Do the research activity and give examples.

All to be completed and posted by Thursday 2nd April

1.4 - 1.5 NHS controversial Ads. Stereotype Ads. P.242-3 class/homework

Complete George Clooney Nespresso case scenario show examples on blog pages with clear and focused answers to the 3 set questions.


Research Activity to complete in lesson and homework

Answer all questions
Watch the NHS controversial TV ads and complete a table showing your findings in book/ blog with weblinks.

Research 243. Complete for homework

Print & AV Ad campaigns on perfume
Answer all questions in full based on your findings. Relate to evidence and stereotypes. Exercise book / blog.

All to be completed by Thurs 2nd April and uploaded as blog post.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

UNit 20 1.3 Key Messages - USP - Advertising Propositional Message

Date, headings and full answers required.

Key Messages (1.3)

Know what a USP is and make notes in exercise book - give examples based on lesson discussion.

Know what a Value proposition is and makes notes with examples in exercise book.

Complete Red Bull exercise on page 240 (watch link via YouTube) and answer the three questions in full.

Watch for further information:

Advertising Messages

Understand advertising messages and make a diagram with bullet points showing the three elements that are mainly use to communicate them.

Types of Propositional Messages     Page 241

What are the four types of of message used to put forward a proposition?

Create a diagram and make full notes in your exercise book showing understanding of all four areas.

Research an example for each area and show with full analysis on your blog.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Unit 20 web links - Advertisments from different mediums. Print, Audio, audio-visual and Online.

Links to audio, audio-visual, print and online examples of advertising campaigns.

Research all mediums for advertising.

Choose one from each area and show thoroughly your understanding and concept of the advert.

Answer in depth the FIVE Activity

questions from page 239 in your Unit 20 booklet.

Radio - audio



Online advertising/ marketing

Register for FREE updates on advertising across all platforms

Target Audience - demographics chart - segments

Make chart in your exercise book

Geographic - 
Demographic - 
Behavioural - 
Psychographic - 

Social Grades - Groups

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hand in date for Unit 3/ Unit 20 George Thursday 13th Feb 2020

Hand in for all work and outcomes covering all LO for Unit 3 - Steven, Liam, John, Nathan, Dylan & Ethan

Hand in for all work and outcomes covering all LO for Unit 20.

You will be presenting your final pieces in lesson (5 -10 mins) to go through your evidence briefly to ascertain which grade you are on.

This work will be seen by the external moderator and graded by her too - she will allocare final grades and give feedback.

Ensure you follow the criteria/ tick off as you go.

ALL evidence must be presented on your blog including photographs, paperwork, word docs etc, photo manipulations etc - see the examples on our master blog.

Good luck

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Practical Work

Hi all, 
as mentioned on Monday you will be working independently today.
Miss McCabe will take your register or Mr Phipps.

Use your  time wisely and create your products - some of you will be filming and editing all of this week & weekend.

You must all be following your own planning and schedules now - based on the chart I added to blogger and emailed to you a while ago.

You must be working toward Learning outcome 4 as discussed in lesson on Monday.

Remember you are all presenting to Mr Dougan & I next Thursday your actual audio - visual/ print products and your work to date on Unit 3 or Unit 20.

You all have your criteria and you all know what you have to do. 
Tick off as you go and document via photography your 'making of' process to assist in your evaluation and self analysis needed in the Distinction criteria.

Good luck and I will see you all on Monday.

Mrs McD-H


Unit 20

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Practical Work - Unit 3 and Unit 20

Unit 3 and Unit 20 for George.     See unit criteria below

You will all be continuing on with completing LO1and half of LO2 for Mondays lesson.

I have attached a plan with dates for you all and you must add your own personal timescales and dates in appropriate to your set task. (Gaant Chart/ schedule)

Thursday, December 12, 2019

REVISION Unit 1 & Unit 2 Exams - exam dates

You have sat a number of papers over the past two/ three weeks and you should now be far more confident with your responses.

UNIT 1 Papers so far: Sample assessment, January 2019, May 2019

UNIT 2 Paper so far: Sample assessment, January 2019, May 2019

All mark schemes allow you to see the correct answers and to mark yourself as well as me marking.
Reading the mark schemes will give you a clear understanding of the moderators decisions.

YOU MUST be revising all of your Unit 1 and Unit 2 work from last year (in your files/ yellow books and from booklets handed out).

YOU MUST have examples of media products we have studied: ie Newspapers, Tabloid, Broadsheet, Mail, Sun, Star, Times, Guardian, Video games, Assassins Creed Series, Film , Bond etc al in unit 1.

Know your theorists. Unit 1 & Unit 2 booklets.

Media Companies - Comcast (Universal), Sony, 20th Century Fox (Fox, Sky), etc Unit 1 booklet



UNIT 1 : Media Products and Audiences
Thursday 9th January 2020  (afternoon)

UNIT 2: Pre-Production and Planning
Tuesday 14th January 2020  (afternoon)