Thursday, September 20, 2018

Work to be completed for Mr Dougan's lesson next week:

the following work needs to be evidenced on your blog THE DAY BEFORE YOUR NEXT LESSON WITH MR DOUGAN

work to be completed and posted:

1) One page of exploring text as text ( colour size font)

2) One page creating warp text

3) One page trying out free transform ( and labelled 
distort, skew etc)

4) One page looking at FX ( labelled stroke, emboss 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

What Does Digital Media Mean? Classwork/ complete for Homework

1. Write down a one-sentence definition, and then compare it with the person that is sitting next to you. 
Is digital media about platforms, devices or different audiences?

2. What’s the difference between digital media and traditional media
What’s changed over the last 10-15 years in TV, Film, Video Games, Magazines and Newspapers, Websites and Social Media and Radio?
3. Then go to Wikipedia’s definition - read the first paragraph and discuss it in class.
4. Compare the definition with ‘What is Digital Media?’ by the Centre for Digital Media.
You should now feel better informed and ready to start the unit.
 Learning Aim
Understanding Digital Media Sectors, Products and Platforms:

The difference between analogue and digital – you should know this by now.
The study of digital media sectors - moving Image (film/video/TV), audio, publishing, websites, games).

Synergy: If I was to tell you that Skyfall and the Skyfall Adele soundtrack is an example of synergy or Lara Croft: Tomb Raider the film and the 2013 video game Tomb Raider is also synergy, what do you think I mean? Explain

Write down a definition of what synergy means and then explain it to the class, using two different examples from the ones above.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

What is Digital Media? Homework

Homework to be added to your blog please before Thursday 20th September.

What is Digital Media? 
Definition including your opinion.

Give five examples 
weblinks / images/of digital media.
Review each example.

Mrs McDonald-Holmes

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Tabloid & Broadsheet differences

National Readership grades - NRS

Socio-economic classification
Local statistics

Example viewing

Welcome and Course Outline - in booklet form too - hand out

Your tutors will be Mrs McDonald-Holmes & Mr Dougan

Exam dates will be given out later in academic year.

Enjoy your studies and complete all work to the highest standard