Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Practical Work

Hi all, 
as mentioned on Monday you will be working independently today.
Miss McCabe will take your register or Mr Phipps.

Use your  time wisely and create your products - some of you will be filming and editing all of this week & weekend.

You must all be following your own planning and schedules now - based on the chart I added to blogger and emailed to you a while ago.

You must be working toward Learning outcome 4 as discussed in lesson on Monday.

Remember you are all presenting to Mr Dougan & I next Thursday your actual audio - visual/ print products and your work to date on Unit 3 or Unit 20.

You all have your criteria and you all know what you have to do. 
Tick off as you go and document via photography your 'making of' process to assist in your evaluation and self analysis needed in the Distinction criteria.

Good luck and I will see you all on Monday.

Mrs McD-H


Unit 20

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Practical Work - Unit 3 and Unit 20

Unit 3 and Unit 20 for George.     See unit criteria below

You will all be continuing on with completing LO1and half of LO2 for Mondays lesson.

I have attached a plan with dates for you all and you must add your own personal timescales and dates in appropriate to your set task. (Gaant Chart/ schedule)