Thursday, March 5, 2020

UNit 20 1.3 Key Messages - USP - Advertising Propositional Message

Date, headings and full answers required.

Key Messages (1.3)

Know what a USP is and make notes in exercise book - give examples based on lesson discussion.

Know what a Value proposition is and makes notes with examples in exercise book.

Complete Red Bull exercise on page 240 (watch link via YouTube) and answer the three questions in full.

Watch for further information:

Advertising Messages

Understand advertising messages and make a diagram with bullet points showing the three elements that are mainly use to communicate them.

Types of Propositional Messages     Page 241

What are the four types of of message used to put forward a proposition?

Create a diagram and make full notes in your exercise book showing understanding of all four areas.

Research an example for each area and show with full analysis on your blog.

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