Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Asset list

Make a table which plans out all the assets ( components) that you'll need to make your front cover.

this table should have 4 columns:

asset  ( name of the component)     source        file size format      Treatment ( what did I do to it? )

Masthead                                      Photoshop           Tiff                 Times roman
                                                                                                         Free transformed  with a blue stroke
                                                                                                         Image pasted into the 'T'

Central image                               photoshoot           Jpeg               green screen removed, resized,
Female                                          G2 green screen                         blue filter added,

bar code                                        internet free          Gif                  resized and placed on blue box

please complete the table ready for next lesson , create a folder and place your assets in there- the deadline for the gathering af the assets is Xmas- including any photoshoots.

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