Thursday, July 25, 2019

SUMMER Homework - Advert (TV,Radio or Print)

Hi all,

During your summer you must create, produce and direct an advert to present to the group during the 1st week back in September.

Use Unit 3 booklet to guide you as it has lots of useful tips and hints for pre-production and planning.
I have attached a few pages below to start you off then use your booklets as guides.

You are to use all of the theory and practical knowledge gained from the past ten weeks and all of our hands on experiences.

• You are to create an advert - TV (30 sec),  Radio (30 sec)  or Print Advert A4
• Advert is to be shown/ read or listened too before the 9pm watershed so it must not break any ASA laws.

Planning is essential - the following must be included.
Treatment, Script, shooting script, costings, equipment needed, storyboard, locations, health and safety, Target audience, shot types to establish the best ones to create a certain atmosphere.

Consider Audio - digetic and non-digetic sound.

Your paperwork can be a word doc (name, page numbers in order) or other blank sheets that I have uploaded all other, mp4 files must be included.

Think about all of the adverts you have viewed and use them to help you create a strong advert.

Good luck and have fun making your Advert.

Mrs McD-H







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